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Sponsor Holiday Wreaths


Help Sponsor a Holiday Wreath to be placed at American Overseas Cemeteries on December 14, 2024.

Purpose: Honor through remembrance.

Who: America’s War Dead buried in Overseas Cemeteries

What: Holiday Wreaths made locally and placed at the Central Memorial of each cemetery

Where: There are 26 permanent American burial grounds on foreign soil. These burial grounds are in the following countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Philippines, Tunisia and the United Kingdom.

How: Through public sponsorship the Foundation will use your gift for the purchase of wreaths and to further our mission. Your gift of any amount will help to honor and remember, during the holiday season, those Americans who are buried where they fell. In addition you may sign an enclosure card with your name, your family’s name or your organization’s name (click here to view card) and we’ll see that your card gets to an Overseas Cemetery of our choice in time for the December 17th wreath placing.

Why: To honor and remember those Americans who made the supreme sacrifice for our freedom overseas and were never brought home but rest where they fell. These wreaths are not placed at grave sites, however by placing them at central memorials they honor all those buried in that cemetery. This affords the American public a patriotic opportunity to honor and remember those who are buried in faraway locations.

This web site is dedicated to never forgetting those Americans who died serving their country in defense of freedom and liberty and their families who loved them and whom they loved.

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