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Our Mission

To increase awareness and respect for Memorial Day and its sacred meaning by encouraging all Americans to wear a Memorial Day Button as a visible symbol to honor and remember those Americans who gave their lives for our freedom and liberty.

Before World War I many Americans wore a Memorial Day Button (as pictured above on the left) to honor those who lost their lives in the Civil War. Over the years, the use of buttons has faded and we now think it’s appropriate to reintroduce this forgotten tradition. The purpose, now as before, is a visible symbol to honor and remember those who fought and died so we may live in freedom and liberty. We pay tribute to our war dead only once a year, let’s make it a truly worthy tribute. Therefore, we have designed a modern Memorial Day Button using the folded burial flag as a symbol of respect and tribute (as pictured above on the right) to those who sacrificed so much on our behalf.

The American Flag covering the casket of our war dead is a final tribute to the men and women who have secured the blessings of liberty. Upon burial, the flag is lifted from the casket and held waist-high by the pallbearers and held at this position for the playing of “Taps”. Upon the conclusion of “Taps”, the flag is properly folded into a triangle. The folded flag is then presented to the deceased soldier’s next of kin with these words, “This flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation as a token of our appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered by your loved one”.

The button appropriately done in red white and blue is 1.25 inches in diameter and is attached to your clothing by a strong magnet (no pins) that can easily be removed and worn on any garment. The button has traditionally been worn on the left side close to ones heart and visible for all to see. We ask for a minimum donation of $5.00 per button and less for larger quantities. Buttons can be obtained by Clicking Here to place your order or calling 1-800-767-7437 and placing your order by phone. We’ve also produced a beautiful lapel pin (pictured right) that can be worn on a suit or sports jacket or added to your pin collection.

The pin can also be obtained on our website by Clicking Here. When you place your order we will use your personal information to properly and securely process your donation and to deliver to you the appropriate number of buttons. The personal information you provide, with the exception of credit card information, will be retained in our donor database. The information will be used by us to provide information to you about the progress of The Memorial Day Foundation and to offer you additional opportunities to support the Foundation fund raising campaign. We do not retain credit card information beyond the time required to process your donation, nor do we share personal information or credit card information with any other organization, ever.

The Memorial Day Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt not-for-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. The foundation has no paid positions and relies upon volunteers, donors and gratuitous services. As a not-for-profit organization net proceeds beyond what we need to continue our mission will be donated after each Memorial Day to charities whose focus is to help disabled war veterans and the families of our fallen heroes.

If you wish to contribute to the fund only or in addition to making a donation for a button, you may do so in one of the following ways:

Click here for our printable donation mail form

Or click here for online donations using your credit card

Or call 1-800-767-7437

A contribution of any amount that works for you is great for us. These donations allow us to expand our mission of awareness and respect for Memorial Day and increase the amount of buttons and pins that we are able to distribute. Of course, all of the net proceeds from the distribution of the button and pin will be donated to the needs of disabled war veterans and families of our fallen heroes.

Please wear your Memorial Day Button every day from May 1st until Memorial Day. Wear it every May. Keep this day a sacred day in our lives in gratitude for those who have given so much for us. It should not be worn on any other occasion.

We want to share with you a message that was chiseled in stone outside the cemetery at Iwo Jima where 6800 Marines are buried:

When you go home:
Tell them for us and say
“For your tomorrow
We gave our today”

Remember Memorial Day

President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote of those who died in the service of their country:

“They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives and through it, they live in a way that humbles the understandings of most men.”

How can you help?

  1. Wear your Memorial Day Button proudly from May 1st until Memorial Day.
  2. Please spread the word-send an e-mail recommending us to your family, friends and associates. Click here for our easy to send e-mail notification.
  3. Corporate Sponsorships-provide your employees with buttons
  4. Civic Sponsorships-provide the members of your organization with buttons.
  5. Make a Donation-Your financial support allows us increase awareness and respect for Memorial Day and its sacred meaning.

This web site is dedicated to never forgetting those Americans who died serving their country in defense of freedom and liberty and their families who loved them and whom they loved.