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All orders for Flags are shipped within 24 hours via First Class Mail or if order is large enough via Priority Mail. Your order should take approximately 5-10 business days to arrive depending on your location in the U.S. If your order is lost by the post office, we will replace it.

Payment Methods

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover/NOVUS
  • American Express

Sales Tax

There is no sales tax on the distribution of the button due to our 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status. All donations to the Foundation are tax exempt as allowed by Law.


Because we are a not-for-profit corporation your donation for flags is non-refundable. We cannot accept returns. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

  • If you find it necessary to cancel or change delivery dates or addresses for any other orders, simply call our Customer Service Department directly at 1-718-383-7550.
  • We are also unable to accept cancellations or change requests via e-mail.

Please read our Privacy Policy